Battle in the train

On my way to work,I saw two women were arguing each other.

It seemed that about battle with empty seat.

I think people who are standing in front of empty seat have right to take seat first.
But some people try to steal the vacancy.

I did experience such a unpleasant event before.
We should not allow these kind of rube behavior!








Mount Ontake Eruption

After I got bake home, I watched some shocking news.

Mount Ontake erupted!
I went there two years ago for ski.

Eruption started in the midday,
Many people were trapped into volcanic ash.

I hope rescue operation will success,
and We must be careful about eruption.

Nobody can say Mount Fuji will never erupt.

SONY was turned into SON or NOS

My new smart phone is SONY Xperia E1 Dual 2105.

I have used it less than a month,
the seal of the SONY logo has been peeled off.

Right now Y has been peeled off, SONY was turned into “SON”.

I can’t believe SONY logo is just a seal!
The rest of letters will be removed sooner or later.

Therefore, I think SONY should provide more durable brand name to their products.


S has been peeled off now.
SONY logo turned into “ON” or “NO”.

Similarities between tagalog and spanish.

Next month, I’m going to Phillipines to study English.

Speaking only English in Phillipines isn’t good.
Because Ordinary people mainly use Tagalog.
So I have to study some basic expression such as good morning and nice to meet you, thank you and so on.

When I watched video in Youtube, I found similarities between tagalog and spanish.

Pero is “But”.
Ingles is “English”.

Almost all Month name are same.

It’s interesting!

A man was angry with station staff

Today on my home to work,

I saw a man shouting at loudly,
I could not hear whole conversation,

He was anger with guidance of station staff,
He continues to shouting saying “With proper guidance, I could catch the previous train” bra-bra-bra!

I think that man should search train time in advance,
it seemed a man just want to shout.

I sympathized with station staff.
Because He have to deal with such people who get angry easily.