Going to the foot of Mt.Fuji

My hobby is driving.

Whenever I have time, I go driving.
I want to see beautiful autumn fallen leaves.

Today’s destination is Matu-hime-touge.
where new route is supposed to open this Saturday.

I could see some beautiful scenery!
Autumn leaves of Okutama region is in full bloom.

I also went to the foot of Mt.Fuji to eat some famous food.
“Yoshida no Udon” is very good food.
The Feature of this noodles is very firm compared to other Udons.
It just cost me 550 yen.

Keep in mind that most of shop opening hours is limited only to lunch time(11:00-14:00).

I could not see clear image of Mt.Fuji because it was cloudy,
Next time I hope I can see Mt. Fuji clearly.



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