



An insect repellent (also commonly called “bug spray”)

Insect Killerになる。


There are many summer festivals in Japan.

During Summer, There are many summer festivals in Japan.
Especially festivals with fireworks are common.

The reason is simple,
People take summer vacation during Summer season, and School are summer vacation.

School Summer vacation begins from July 20 to August 31.
(Summer vacation may be short in northern Japan.Because of longer winter vacation)

However, There is bad thing in festival,
Traffic Jam!

I happened to go through near the festival yesterday.
I didn’t know why there is heavy traffic jam at that time.
I searched on the Internet and find that because of summer festival,
Traffic was stuck!










outage and outrage

When I was watching NBC Today podcast Video News,
I heard unknown word “Outage”,
At first I took it as outrage, But It’s wrong.

Outage means stop something such as electricity and Internet connection and so on.

An example sentence is below.
Time Warner Cable Experienced Outages in All Markets.
And This happened in reality.

That makes Users outrage!

Go to dentist Part II

This dental clinic open until 9:00 PM.

Many office workers come here after work.

I finished my work 5:45PM, then I managed to be on appointed time 6:00 PM.

My second remedy is removing tartar from my lower tooth.
And this time remove tartar not only between tooth but also the gums.

After finishing it, I was told tooth smarting might occur.
And That is correct.

I feel tooth smarting.

At last I could get good sleep!

Summer in Japan is very hot and humid.

I always wake up in the midnight,Because room temperature is getting hotter.
Then I turn on air conditioner.
Then I turn off air conditioner because this time room temperature is too low.

In short, I can’t sleep well during Summer!

But this week Temperature is dropping gradually.
I will have good sleep.